Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Steve Chambliss

I really enjoyed Steve's lecture and his walk through his journey into the teaching world. It really helped me think about all the options that are out there. I really like all the steps that he talked about that helped him. He made you really think about the big picture with his first hand experience. It was much more influential to hear a speaker opposed to reading it out of a book. Creating diversity in my own journey into teaching will be very crucial to expanding my learning. Between the teachers panel last week and the older teacher(Steve) it was a good step by step process of learning for me personally. All the basic principals of being an effective teacher were talked about in the same ways between the two lectures. Being organized and prioritizing classes and having a good feel of what is necessary for a positive environment in the class. I feel that i benefited from hearing all of the people speak the last two lectures. I have enjoyed all of the class discussions and lectures, they have a lot of good points that will help me in the future and on my road to becoming an effective educator just like the ones that spoke to us.

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