Thursday, February 19, 2009

Paper Clips

The movie paper clips is a very influential and interesting movie. I thought it was really neat idea that they had come up with to help themselves learn about such a touchy and horrifying event in history. They turned it into a helping cause with creating a goal. The goal was to represent all six million Jews that had been killed in the Holocaust. The way they did that was by collecting paper clips, six million of them and they were the representation of each of the casualties. It was a task that went on over a couple of years. The small Tennessee school made it all the way to the top as they showed up on national television. They received many letters of stories and thank yous from many survivors and people that were involved in the Holocaust. You might be wondering how they learned all the history and facts of the holocaust. The kids got first hand experience as survivors from all over came all the way to the middle of nowhere Tennessee. It is a great story and was a great experience for for the kids.

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